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Frequently-Asked Questions

Look on this page for answers to questions about Troop 407 and Boy Scouting that come up regularly. Just click on the category heading to be taken to the topics on that page. If you have a question that isn’t answered here or you would like more information, don’t hesitate to speak with the Scoutmaster or Committee Chair. We’re always happy to help.

Please note that part of the growing-up process is for our sons to become less dependent on their parents and to learn to do things on their own. In Scouting, this is helped by encouraging boys to rely on their peers – their fellow patrol members and youth leaders – for answers to many of these questions. When your son comes to you with a question about a Scout-related matter, our natural inclination is to answer the question for him. Instead, please advise him to look in his Scout handbook or to go and ask his patrol leader instead of answering the question yourself. You’ll be helping him develop responsibility for himself and better understand the meaning of helping others.

New Parents

  • How does Boy Scouts differ from Cub Scouts?
  • Is the uniform different?
  • Who provides my son with his rank and merit badge patches?
  • Who keeps track of the activities my son participates in?
  • What is a Scoutmaster conference?
  • What is a board of review?
  • What is a court of honor?
  • What is the Order of the Arrow?
  • How can parents help with Troop 407?
  • Should I call someone if my son can’t be at a meeting? If so, who?
  • If my son has an issue with another Scout, how should I handle it?
  • How can I find out the events and dates the troop is planning?
  • What medical forms are required?
  • How much are the dues, and what do they cover? What are the other costs?
  • What equipment does my son need to start out?
  • Are there fundraising opportunities?
  • What is a Scout account?
  • When and where are the troop meetings? Are there also patrol meetings?
  • What’s an Expresso?
  • What is Youth Protection training? Do I need to take it?

New Scouts

  • Who signs off on my advancements?
  • When should I wear my uniform? Should I wear my field uniform or my activity (t-shirt) uniform?
  • What is the youth leadership structure of the troop?

Coming soon:



  • Can parents and family members come along on troop campouts?
  • What do adults do on Scout campouts?
  • Does my son get Scout credit for nights spent camping with his family?
  • What personal gear should my son bring to a campout?
  • Does my son need to have his own tent or cooking equipment?
  • Are there other policies or rules that are observed on campouts?
  • What is high adventure? Does the troop participate?
  • What are the age and rank requirements for backpacking and high adventure?


  • How does advancement work in Boy Scouts?
  • Who keeps track of a Scout’s advancement?
  • Who signs off on advancement?
  • When do service hours count? How many do Scouts need?
  • What is the merit badge process?
  • Can a Scout work on merit badges by himself or with his family?
  • How does an adult become a merit badge counselor?
  • What can parents do to help with their son’s advancement?
  • How can I find out the current requirements for a rank or merit badge?
  • What is the process for completing the Eagle rank?
  • Who can I talk with if I have advancement related questions?
© 2025 Troop 407, Novi, Michigan - Boy Scouts of America
© 2025 Troop 407, Novi, Michigan - Boy Scouts of America