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Webelos Campout

Our annual Webelos Campout is tentatively planned for the weekend of November 2-4, 2019 at

Island Lake State Park Group Camp 12950 E. Grand River Ave. Brighton, MI 48116

Make plans to attend if you are a Webelos Scout! You’ll camp with the Scouts of Troop 407, join a patrol and do all sorts of things that Scouts do – cooking, hiking, exploring and having fun! Camp in a tent or cabin.

  • Each Webelos Scout must be accompanied by a parent or designated responsible adult.
  • Webelos Scouts and parents should plan to arrive Saturday morning between 9:00 and 10:00 am.
  • The program will run from 10:00 am Saturday until approximately 10:00 am Sunday.
  • Lunch and dinner Saturday and breakfast Sunday are included. (Please let us know if you have any dietary restrictions.)
  • Scouts and parents sleep in a heated cabin or tents at your option (tents will be provided by Troop 407).
  • Everyone should wear/bring clothing appropriate for the weekend’s weather (you’ll be spending most of the day outdoors), a sleep system (sleeping bag and ground pad), comfortable shoes suitable for outdoor wear and hiking (no open-toe shoes), water bottle and personal items (toothbrush, medications). A mess kit/mug is helpful but not necessary.
  • The cost for the weekend for each Webelos Scout and a parent is TBD.
  • Signups and payment will be due about a week before the campout.
  • All participants must complete parts A and B of the BSA Health and Medical Form and bring it with you (it will be returned). All adults must have taken online BSA Youth Protection Training within the previous two years.

Webelos leaders will be hearing from Troop 407 with full details and registration/permission forms..

Webelos Scouts, Come and Visit Us!

Webelos Scouts are invited to attend our Troop Meetings and get to know what Boy Scouts is all about. We hold a Webelos Campout in the fall, but Webelos Scouts can join us on other campouts as well. Your Webelos Den Leader should contact Scoutmaster.

Do you have a Den Chief?

If you are a Webelos Den Leader, do you have a Den Chief? Don’t know what a Den Chief is? A Den Chief is an older Boy Scout, usually a former Cub Scout, with knowledge of scout skills and leadership abilities. He shares his enthusiasm with you and your scouts, helps in your den and encourages the boys to continue on in Scouting by showing them what Boy Scouts is all about. We have Den Chief candidates ready to help you! Just contact us and we will help set you up!

Have Arrow of Light? Don’t wait to join us!

Webelos Scouts who have earned the Arrow of Light and are at least ten  years old are eligible to join a troop right away! There is no need to  wait until your crossover ceremony. Completing Arrow of Light  requirements also nearly qualifies you for the Scout rank, Boy  Scouting’s equivalent of Bobcat. You may register as a Boy Scout at any  time once you earn Arrow of Light and may begin participating in troop  activities and working on advancement and merit badges. You can still attend your pack and den functions and participate in crossover when your pack holds its ceremony.

Looking for a troop?

If you’ve moved to Novi recently or are planning to move, and are looking for a Troop, you’re welcome to check us out.our Scoutmaster  for details on the next Troop Meeting.

© 2024 Troop 407, Novi, Michigan - Boy Scouts of America
© 2024 Troop 407, Novi, Michigan - Boy Scouts of America