Webelos Scouts: You and a parent are invited to our annual Webelos Campout the weekend of November 8 and 9 at Island Lake State Park Group Camp 12950 E. Grand River Ave. Brighton, MI 48116 . Please see the Webelos section of the website for more information. Troop 407 Scouts: The permission slip is available on the Documents and Forms page. Registration is due by October 27th.
Troop 407 will participate in the Ottawa District Fast & Furious Camporee the weekend of October 17-19. More details and a permission slip will be available soon.

Our first OUTING of the 2014-15 season will be to a canoe campout based at Hudson Mills Metropark the weekend of September 12-14. We will canoe Saturday afternoon from Hudson Mills to Delhi Metropark. (A roughly three hour float)
New to canoeing? Great! New Scouts will be paired with experienced older Scouts or adults.
Scouts will need to bring an extra pair of footwear that can (will) get wet. Footwear is required while boating and flip flops will not do. A pair of old sneakers is ideal. A beach towel is also recommended.
The cost is $50 for Scouts and $20 for adults to cover all costs for camping, food and canoe rental.
Download the permission slip and return it at your earliest convenience and
September 9th meeting.
In addition to summer camp and high adventure this summer, the troop will meet every other week on Tuesday evenings. Here’s the schedule of meetings:
- June 24: Cooking and swimming at Lakeshore Park (possible early start of 5:30 or 6:00 pm)
- July 8: Newburgh Lake (Hines Park, Livonia) canoeing
- July 22: Meeting at Holy Family, agenda to be determined
- August 5: Summer Court of Honor, Lakeshore Park
- August 19: Meeting at Holy Family, agenda TBD
Weekly meetings will resume in September.
Important note: The sponsors of the Tri-Challenge Camporee have had to cancel the event due to circumstances beyond their control. The campout will instead be at Island Lake State Recreation Area (map). A completed permission slip should be brought to the troop meeting Tuesday, May 13.
The May campout will be our third time participating in the Tri-Challenge Camporee in Luckey, Ohio May 16-18. The camporee features competitions between troops in gateway construction, Dutch Oven cooking and model campsite layout. New and exciting features are being added and there will be another wide array of prizes for troops to win.
Registration will be open in May. The cost will be about $30 per person. A few adults will be needed (and you’ll want to come – it’s a lot of fun!). Please see Mr. Heslop if you are able to attend. Luckey is just south of Toledo, about a 1.5 hour drive from Novi.
The Troop 407 Spring Court of Honor and Ice Cream Social will be during the regular troop meeting time on Tuesday, April 29th from 7:00 – 8:30 PM at Novi Meadows 5th Grade cafeteria. All Scouts and troop families are invited to attend. Scouts who have earned advancements and merit badges will be recognized during the ceremony by the youth leadership.
All will enjoy ice cream and toppings and a time of fellowship.
Prior to the boys beginning the Court of Honor ceremony, we will go over some of the details pertaining to summer camp. It’s especially important for parents of new Scouts to attend.
As usual, uniforms are the preferred attire. Scouts should wear their merit badge sashes.
We are having the spring court of honor earlier this year because it is our intention to have a summer court of honor following summer camp. It’s the expectation of the Boy Scout program to honor our Scouts at a quarterly court of honor, thus holding them four times a year rather than our past customary three.
The deadline for signing up for the May Chief Pontiac Trail Canoe Hike is fast approaching. Registration and Indian essays are due by April 15. See Mr. Heslop to register. If you’re not familiar with the Chief Pontiac Trail, see below.
The hike will be May 10-11, 2014. We can have up to 24 participants, so everyone interested should be able to go this time. The cost for a new participant is $20 for the cost of the medal and patches, $10 for repeat participants. It will cost approximately $15 for the camp fees and food. The Canoe / Kayak rental will be about $15 per person. So, the total cost is about $50 for a first time participant, either scout or adult, and about $40 for a repeat CPT participant. We will have a good depth of experience both adult and scout to help first time participants have a good time. The troop has spare backpacks and a few of us participating have extra packs, too. So, you will not need to purchase a backpack.
1) Meet at Heavner’s Canoe Livery at 8:00 AM Saturday morning and leave vehicles there, rent canoe and/or kayak equipment.
2) Hike up river 2 miles to the north boat launch in Proud Lake SRA, on the way, at the high power lines, call Heavner’s and notify them to send canoes.
3) Canoe the Huron River down river to Kensington Metro Park Group Camp.
4) Camp overnight.
5) Get up Sunday morning, have breakfast and hike the trail 6.2 miles to Heavner’s to complete the trek.
Scouts are required to be First Class or above.
If you are not already registered, see Mr. Heslop. First time participants only: Submit an INDIAN HISTORY ESSAY to be sent in no later than April 15th.
Many of you have been on the Chief Pontiac Trail treks (CPT) in past years. This email explains what CPT treks are and how to sign up. If you are interested in backpack hiking, camping one night, canoeing, then continue reading. Adults are not necessary but are very welcome.
The credential hike program is a backpacking program designed to challenge youth and adults.
It is a high adventure program that involves not only backpacking, canoeing, or winter trekking, but includes a report process designed to challenge the mind as well as the body.
There are three types of CPT hikes; the Winter, the 16.5 Mile and the Canoe trek.
See the Chief Pontiac Programs website for more information as well. We will have practice hikes to determine if we are ready and able.
The April campout will be the weekend of April 25-27 at Hudson Mills Metropark Group Camp near Dexter. Scouts will camp by patrols and do Scout stuff leading toward advancement and adventure – specifically, cooking, hiking and camping. This is where our newest Scouts will make significant headway toward Tenderfoot and Second Class ranks and our older Scouts will gain valuable experience, as well as fun, helping the younger ones learn and leading the troop. The cost is $25 and permission slips and payment will be due at the April 22 troop meeting.
Hudson Mills is about 45 minutes’ drive from Novi, all on back roads (Beck Road, Eight Mile, Pontiac Trail, North Territorial). There is a sheet with a map and directions on the Camp Maps and Directions page.
In March the troop will travel to Dayton, Ohio for a day at the Air Force museum followed by camping at Wright-Patterson Air Force Base. The trip is March 29-30 but a list of participants must be provided to the Air Force one month prior to arrival. Please watch your e-mail for announcements and more information. Mr. Heil is handling the reservation and other arrangements. If your Scout (or you) are planning to attend, please provide your name, phone number age and driver’s license number if you have one. The cost is $30 for Scouts and $15 for adults and the signup deadline is February 25.
The permission slip will be out shortly. Here is a map to the museum.
The February campout is at Camp Kiwanis near Mason the weekend of February 21-23. Here is the permission slip; cost is $30 and payment is due Tuesday, February 18. Here is a map to Camp Kiwanis; it’s about an hour’s drive from Novi.